prepaid Retainer Packages
We work with clients on a retainer basis. We can bill twice per month for long-term clients. No charge for the initial one to two hour needs-assessment meeting over the phone or Skype. In person meetings can be arranged in the greater Austin, Texas area.
we typically WORK WITH CLIENTS on a LONG TERM basis
but have limited pROJECT WORk availability
60 HOURS PER MONTH (Approximately 15 HOURS PER WEEK) - $2,400
This plan is perfect for those ready to take their business to the next level. We will provide you with 60 hours of services each month.
Save at least $900 over the pay as you go plan.
only one slot left!
40 hours per month (approximately 10 hours per week) - $1,800
We will provide you with 40 hours of services each month.
Save $400 over the pay as you go plan.
20 hours per month (approximately 5 HOURS PER WEEK) - $1,000
This plan guarantees you 20 hours of services every month.
Save $100 over the pay as you go plan
Pay as you go - $55 per hour
This is a higher rate per hour than packages above. Bank 5 prepaid hours at a time, which may be used at any time. This works best for clients who don't know how many hours they will use and don't want to commit to a monthly based plan. You may want to consider another package to maximize savings.
By using a Virtual Assistant:
You pay only for the work you need.
Virtual assistants supply their own office, equipment, software, training and expertise.
There are no costs typically associated with employees (medical benefits, payroll taxes, worker’s compensation, vacation or sick leave).
You'll have a partner who helps improve your growing business without sharing your profits.
Connect with Beth on LinkedIn
How to work with us
Answer a simple questionairre.
meet via video, call or in person to determine if we are a good fit.
Decide on appropriate retainer plan based on your workload.
Execute a simple contract.
Begin Work on agreed up on date.
communicate regularly with updates and feedback.